能登半島地震被災地の支援活動第5弾 最終日
2024年2月24日 (土)
昼食:鯛めし炊き込みご飯、小松菜とワカメとお麩のお吸い物 x50食
・避難所Bx 20食
February 24th 2024
The fifth phase of the Western Earthquake support last day
Luckily, we found a place that would deliver a bottle of propane gas in 30 minutes, and we were all relieved. We decided to prioritize preparing for lunch, saying, “Then let’s do our best to serve lunch first as planned!” However, once the switch to simultaneous progress was turned on. As a result, while we were cooking the takikomi rice, we were able to finish cutting most of the ingredients for dinner, and the base for the mapo bowl was also finished. The worst thing that happened this time was that even though we were able to provide lunch, the gas ran out while we were preparing dinner, and we still couldn’t get gas. We held discussions without sacrificing the purpose of our activities, which is to “produce new products.” Although we had in mind the option of “stop providing lunch and only provide dinner,” we focused on how we could provide two meals, pooling our wisdom and experience. We once again realized that the good thing about collaborating with a team and friends is that we were able to approach the project with a common belief that we can do something.
The condition of the accommodation was that due to the water outage and the lack of sewage, the toilets cannot be flushed.However, we heard that the toilets could be used if you used a special plastic sheet like the one in the evacuation center. However, they cleaned the restrooms from floor to bowl, including the women’s restroom that I don’t use, and installed sensor lights since there was no electricity. There is a portable toilet installed on the property next to where we were staying, so we were able to use that, but it was a real relief as it was sometimes difficult to go out in the cold at night. During long-term support activities, it is often unclear who will participate in the next activity, so completing the preparations early so that the next team can carry out their activities as smoothly as possible will also make the soup kitchen operation smoother. We thought it would lead to something we could do.
Lunch: Sea bream rice, komatsuna, wakame, and gluten soup x50 meals
Dinner: Mapo bowl, Chinese cabbage corn milk soup
・Evacuation center Ax115 meals
・Shelter Bx 20 meals
Total 135 meals
Cooperation with certified NPO AAR Japan