
第16回ピース食堂「たけのこご飯」    16th Peace Caefeteria “Bamboo Shoot Rice”

雨の中第16回目となる『ピース食堂』無事終了しました。花冷えと言うよりも、寒い雨の一日でした。雨にもかかわらず、今日もたくさんの方に並んでいただき、100枚の整理券は15分で配布終了しました。 本日のメニューは、たけのこご飯、具沢山豚汁、花見団子でした。合計101食提供でした。最後の一食は地域の民生委員の方がお立ち寄りくださったので、(チラシ提示にいつもご協力いただいている地域町内会の会計さんもされている方とのこと) 急遽お出しすることに!認知度と共にすこしずつ地域の皆さんが興味をもちながら見守ってくださる場所になっていけますように。

The 16th “Peace Dining Room” was successfully completed despite the rain. It was a cold rainy day. Despite the rain, many people lined up today, and the 100 numbered tickets were distributed in 15 minutes. Today’s menu was bamboo shoot rice, vegetable and pork soup, and Hanami dumplings. A total of 101 meals were provided. The last meal was provided to a local welfare officer. (the person who is also the accountant of the local neighborhood association who always cooperates presenting us in  the leaflets)! I hope that this will become a place where everyone in the community will be interested and watch over, along with stronger recognition.


Special guest Rio Olympics wrestling silver medalist Shinobu Ota, who is currently a martial arts fighter, and Mei Yamaguchi, who is active in the ONE Championship, taught children fun kickboxing. The Olympic silver medal brought by Shinobu Ota attracted the attention of children, parents and volunteer staff.


This time too, the Adachi Children’s Cafeteria Support Council provided us with a lot of vegetables and Miyo-chan provided us with sweets. Peace Cafeteria is built on the support and cooperation of all of you. I look forward to working with you.