
能登半島地震被害の支援活動 1日目











We finished the day one Western earthquake support which occurred on January 1st 2024.

After the Western earthquake in Japan on January 1st 2024. We started this action with AAR Japan. We rented a car on the morning of January second but due to the road blocked and by the time we arrived at Fuji, it was 9 P.M. so we decided to stop there for that day.

On the morning of the third, we met the staffs from Tokyo and started heading towards Suzu city. The traffic got worse as we got closer to the city. A kind person told us that there is a shelter where 300 people are staying and took us there. We arrived there at 6 P.M. and started preparing with the approval from the supervisor. We were able to make 360 meals of pork bowl including meals for other shelters. It was a swamped 2 days but some people at the shelter offered to help as a volunteer and we really appreciate it. Thank you so much. Since the roads are blocked at night, we will sleep in the car that we parked at the shelter.