04/18 文教大学ゲスト講談     Bunkyo University guest storytelling 


「ピースプロジェクトの活動」「子ども食堂を始めるきっかけ」「JALにいた私がなぜ今この活動に従事しているのか」 などなど。。。30分枠を使い切り、質疑応答の時間もなくなる熱い?講談となりました。

Akiko Watanabe, is a teacher to the volunteer students gave me a chance to give introductory volunteer lecture to the students. This became possible as  “Bunko Shokudo,” a children’s cafeteria that started as a volunteer at Bunkyo University, was also a volunteer to help the Peace Cafeteria.

I spoke about “Peace project activities,” “Why did I start a children’s cafeteria,” “Why was I at JAL now engaged in this activity?” .. .. It was an intense talk and used up  30-minute quickly and almost no time for questions and answers… It was  storytelling.

調理アドバイザーを務める @bunkoshokudo ぶんこ食堂の二宮さんもかけつけて見守ってくださる大変心強い中、なんとか終えることができました50名強の学生の皆さんのうち、数名でも子ども食堂やボランティア活動に興味を持ってくれるきっかけの一つになってくれたら嬉しいです。

Ms. Ninomiya from the Bunko Shokudo, @Bunkoshokudo, who serves as a cooking advisor, last minute joined hear my talk which was very encouraging.  Of the 50 students that participated , I hope my talk has become one of the triggers for the students to want to join and  gain interest in our activities.